European University Challenge 2020: Data Reduction Algorithms

Tym razem na Wasze talenty czyha Huawei:

Startować mogą studenci I, II lub III stopnia polskich uczelni. Do wygrania są HUAWEI P40 Pro, HUAWEI P40, HUAWEI Watch GT2 oraz 3x HUAWEI Band 4 pro.

Termin zgłaszania rozwiązań w konkursie Huawei został przedłużony do 22 stycznia. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z zadaniem konkursowym!

Problem do rozwiązania wydaje się ciekawy i bardzo praktyczny, zachęcam do udziału w zawodach.

The Challenge

  • Task statement

  • Working independently, students will design and implement a similarity identification algorithm to improve the data reduction ratio.

  • Similarity deduplication algorithm is a typical storage algorithm to find the similar data segments among a lot of data blocks, and call the compression methods to shrink the storage space the data would occupy.

  • Identifying the data blocks containing similar segments in a large data set is the key for the algorithm. Students should aim to design and implement an intuitive mechanism to help identify these data blocks, and thereafter improve the data reduction ratio compared to the baseline algorithm.


To participate, students must be enrolled in a Polish university and working towards their Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD . International students who are completing an exchange or participating in an Erasmus program in Poland are also welcome to take part.


  • Required Programming Languages: C/C++ Required
  • Operating System: Linux (CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 is recommended, however other Linux OS will also work.)


See the registration page!

Judging Criteria

The platform will score the results by the data reduction ratio. The higher the data reduction ratio, the better the result.